Robt. Jona: Osborne Esq Nt. Procds. £ 42..13 --
Remit. A gildg. [Laeld?] not under 5 Yrs. or
above 7. price from £ 20 to £ 25 Barba. Mony
6 boxes wax Candles such as former.
4 barrls. lamp Oyl, 3 Gallo. Oyl Turptne.
get Gun well stock'd & send P first

George Forster Nt. Procds. £ 55..2 --
Remit. in good Tallow Candls. P first.

Saml. Osborne Esq Nt. Proceeds £ 174.16 6
Remit. 6 Bbs Whale Oyl / 300 lb Tallow
Fish (after xmass) unless Contradicted.
2 Qr. Bbs Beef abt. 100 in Each, abt. 6 Weeks distance.
70 lb Good Feathers if Plenty &c.

Fran Vaughan Esq Nt Procds -- 193..12.6
Remit. 1 Dz Leather Chairs, & a Couch.
2 Hhds good dry Scale fish } P first
remainder in good Corn not fail Pr first.
2 Chest Drawers, 1 Scrutoir, Candles, 1 Dozn Chairs & Couch

Messrs. Crumpe
& Hasell } Nt Procds. £ 55 -- 6
Remit. 30 lb Whalebone. 4 Bbs best Lamp Oyl.
Remaindr. in Tallow Candles. Caution yt
both Weeks & Tallow be good especially for me,
yt yy be put into dry Boxes & paper'd wt. abt. 50 or 60 lb box. 10 to ye lb