Marblehd. July 26, 1779
My Dear Granddaughter,
It affords me inexpressible plea
sure to hear of your Welfare & the Family's. I
not, it will be equally agreeable to you, that to hear
that I am yet in the
Land of the Living; & tho [I ]have
met with several Shocks that threatened an
Dissolution, am at thro divine Goodness,
in as good
a State of Health, as I have enjoyed for
several years. It will a little
surprise you
when I tell you that I have not
only paid a visit at Mrs. Forster,
at my neighbor Hooper's,
but even at Mrs. Combs's. I hear that
Dater Lee expects. I shall spend an afternoon
with her
very soon. I wish my strength may
hold out to do it. If I shd,
Becky will expect
one, poor Child! I know I sh[oul]d see an
Family. It increases with such Rapidity, that
her husband had need to
have a large salary
to maintain them all. His people are indeed
have no cause to complain: but Becky is of an anxious
make, & that you know she always will be.
As to Flora, she has become a great Madam
in the Town; & tho she has lost her
two sons, Pomp &
Pique, I don't see, but she relishes & frolick as well
any of the Negros; who do nothing else but
visit about, from one hose to
another. They
have fine times of it. Their Husbands go a pri
vateering & her's
among the rest (tho, by the way, I
don't know that you have heard that she had
consented to take Pompey [Hooper?] again, & is married
to him; & had like to
have increased her flock of
Children, but a kind Providence prevented) they
go a
privateering & bring home their black Ladies
such things
enabl them to look down, with
Contempt, upon many of the
Whites . But
this is under the Rose, for we darest not say
any thing.
I rejoice that your Daughters make
such an agreeable Figure. I don't wonder you
are proud of them. When such high compliments
are passed. I hope they will
of sobriety & virtue be an Ornament to their
Name and Ancestry. Give my kind love to
your Spouse. I long to see you all, but whether
I shall, God only knows! My present sprightliness
may be only like the blazing up of a Snuff, in the
Socket, just before its extinction. May God's bless
ing be with you; I pray God to bless you and sancti
fy all your Trials to you: and if we never meet
here, may we meet with your pious Father
& Mother at the right hand of Christ.
The Shoes & Citron were
kindly received.
Remember me to Mrs. Higginson.
Flora sends her Duty to you, and her love to her