Whereupon the following Gentlemen were
nominated and appointed for the Purposes
aforesaid, to make Report to the Town as soon
as may be, viz. The Hon. James Otis, Esq;
Mr. Samuel Adams, Dr. Joseph Warren, Dr.
Benjamin Church, Mr. William Dennie, Mr.
William Greenleaf, Joseph Greenleaf, Esq; Dr.
Thomas Young, Mr. William Powell, Mr. Na-
thaniel Appleton, Mr. Oliver Wendell, Mr. John
Sweetser, Josiah Quincy, Esq; Capt. John Brad-
ford, Richard Boynton, Esq; Captain William
Mackay, Major Nathaniel Barber, Deacon
Caleb Davis, Mr. Alexander Hill, Mr.
Molineux, and Mr. Robert Pierpont.
A true Copy,
William Cooper, Town-Clerk.