Brought up from
the bottom of the opposite page
Decr 16
[1775] -- paid Lieut Brown for
Capt Johnson which he paid
the Carters for the use of their
Cattle in dragging Cannon
Ticonderoga to the North
Landing of
Lake George
26 Dollars --
16.. 8--
18 [Dec.
1775 ]
Gave my brother
a 7 c dollar Bill
2 . 16
18. [Dec. 1775 ] Miller ditto -- 2 . 16--
20 [Dec.
1775 ]
Dr Stringer Dr
to one dollar paid
Mr Laurence } --
-- 8 --
23. [Dec.
1775 ]
paid [Stop?] at
fort George -- }
. 11.. 0.