Boston New England March 23d: 1770
It is in Consequence of an Appointment
of the Town of
Boston that we have the honor of writing to you,
and of communicating the enclosed Narrative, relative to the
Massacre in this Town on the
5th: Instant.
After that execrable deed, perpetrated by Soldiers of
the 29th: Regiment, the Town thought it highly expedient, that
a full and just Representation of it should be made to Persons
of Character as soon as may be, in order to frustrate the designs
of certain Men who, as they have heretofore been plotting the
ruin of our Constitution and Liberties, by their Letter
Memorials and Representations are now said to have procured
depositions in a private manner, Relative to the said Massacre,
to bring an Odium upon the Town as the Aggressors in that
Affair. But we humbly apprehend, that after examining
the said Narrative, and the Depositions annexed to it, you
will be fully Satisfied of the Falsehood of such a
Suggestion: and We take upon ourselves to declare upon our
honor and Consciences; that having examined critically into the
matter, there does not appear the least ground for it.
The Depositions referred to (if any such there be)
were taken without notifying the Selectmen of the Town, or
any other Persons whatever, to be present at the Caption in
behalf of the Town: which, as it has been a thing justly com-
plained of heretofore in some other Cases, so the Town now
Dennis Deberbt Esqr;
renew their Complaints on the same head; and humbly presu [me]
such depositions will have no weight till the Town has been
served with Copies of them, and an opportunity given them to
be heard in their defence in this matter, and in any other, where
their Character is drawn into Question with a view of passing
censure upon it.
A different Conduct was observed on the Part of th [e]
town: The Justices with a Committee to attend them made
their examinations publicly: most of them at
Faneuil Hall
and the rest where any Persons might attend. Notifications
were Sent to the Custom house where the Commissioners of th [e]
Customs Sit, that they or any persons in their behalf might b [e]
present at the Captions: and accordingly Mr:
Sheaffe the Depu [ty]
Collector, and Mr: Green, Tenant of
the Custom house under the
Commissioners and employed by them, where present at many
of them.
One of the said Commissioners Mr:
Robinson, in a
Secret manner has embarked on board Capt:
Robson, and Sailed
London the
16th: Instant; which, with three of the
Commissioners retiring from the Town, and not having held
a Board for some time since the
5th: Instant, gives reason to
apprehend they have planned, and are executing a Scheme
of misrepresentation, to induce Administration to think
that their persons are not in Safety in this town in the
absence of troops. But their Safety is noway dependent on
troops: for you are Sensible Sir, that if any Evil had ever
been intended them, troops could not have prevented it.
It was so apparently incompatible with the Safety of
the Town for the Troops to continue any longer in it, that
Majesty's Council were unanimous in their Advice to the
Barracks at Castle Island. And it is the humble and fervent
Prayer of the Town, and the Province in General, that his
Majesty will graciously be pleased, in his great Wisdom and
Goodness, to order the said Troops out of the Province; and that
his dutiful and loyal Subjects of this Town and Province –
dutiful and loyal, notwithstanding any representations to the
contrary – may not again be distressed and destroyed by
Troops: for preventing which we beg leave in behalf of the
Town, to request most earnestly the favor of your interposition
and influence. We have the honor to be with the
most perfect regard
Yours most obedient
and very humble Servants
Saml. Pemberton
Joseph Warren
Boston Massacre