And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from
and after the Twenty-fifth Day of December One thousand seven
and thirty-three, no Sugars, Paneles, Syrups, or Molasses, of the Growth,
Product, and Manufacture of any Colonies or Plantations in
nor any Rum or Spirits of America( except of the
Growth or Manufacture
of His Majesty's Sugar Colonies there) shall be imported by any Person or
Persons whatsoever into the Kingdom of Ireland, but
such only as shall be
fairly and bona fide loaden and shipped in Great-Britain in Ships navigated
according to the several Laws now in being in that behalf, under the Pen-
alty of forfeiting all such Sugar, Paneles, Syrups or Molasses, Rum
Spirits, or the Value thereof, together with the Ship or Vessel in which
same shall be imported, with all her Guns, Tackle, Furniture,
tion, and Apparel; and if any of the Commodities aforementioned
be imported into
Ireland contrary to the true Intent of Meaning of
Act, all and every such Commodities, with the Ship or Vessel wherein
they shall be imported, and the Tackle, Ammunition, and Furniture
thereof, shall and may be seized by the Lord Lieutenant, Lord Deputy,
or Lords Justices, for the Time being, for the Kingdom of
Ireland, or
any Person or Persons authorized by him, them, or any of them, or by
Warrant of any Justice of the Peace or other Magistrate (which Warrant
such Justice or Magistrate is hereby impowered and
required to give upon
request) or by any Custom-House Officer, or Excise Officer, or any Person
or Persons him, them, or any of them accompanying, aiding, and assist
ing, and all and every the said Offences committed against this Act may be
prosecuted, and the Penalties and Forfeitures recovered, in any of His
Majesty's Courts of Record at Westminster or in
Dublin at the Election
of the Informer or Prosecutor, by Bill, Plaint, or Information, wherein
no Essoign, Protection, or Wager of Law shall be allowed, or any more
than One Imparlance; and the Penalties and Forfeitures recovered on such
Prosecution shall go and be divided and applied in Manner following,
One Moiety to the Use of the Informer or Prosecutor.
And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That
if any Person or Persons shall be aiding and assisting in bringing on
or Landing any Such Sugar, Paneles, Syrups, or Molasses, Rum, or
Spirits into the Kingdom of
Ireland, or into any of His Majesty's Colonies
or Plantations in America, contrary to the true
Intent and Meaning of this
Act, or shall receive into his, her, or their House or Custody, any of
the Commodities afore-mentioned, knowing the same to be imported or
landed, and brought on Shore, contrary to this Act, every such Person so
offending shall forfeit treble the Value of such Goods, to be estimated
computed according to the best Price that each respective Commodity bears
at the Place where any such Seizures shall be made, to be sued for, recovered,
and applied in manner aforementioned.
And be it further enacted, That if any Person or Persons shall
hinder, molest, or resist, any Custom-House Officer, Import or Excise
Officer, or their or any of their Assistants, in the due Execution of his
their Duty in seizing or securing any of the Commodities aforementioned,
imported into the Kingodom of Ireland, or landed or
put on Shore in any
of the Colonies or Plantations in
America, which now are, or hereafter may
be, in the Possession or under the Dominion of His Majesty, His Heirs, or
Successors, contrary to the Purport or true Meaning of this Act, he, she,
or they shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Fifty Pounds, to be sued for,
vered, and applied in manner aforementioned, and shall also be liable
be prosecuted for the same, by Indictment or otherwise, and being thereof