In the concluding Paragraph of the foregoing Nar-
rative it is said, that the Town-Meeting was dis-
solved after the measures were taken for the security
of the Town in the night, by a strong military watch.
Our implacable enemies, in pursuance of their plan of
misrepresentation, have taken pains to misrepresent this most
necessary measure, by declaring it to have been contrary to
the mind of the Commander in Chief, and against law.
This matter will be judged of, by stating the fact, and
producing the Law.
When the Committee, who had waited on the
Governor, had reported to the Town, that the Troops would
be removed to
Castle-Island, (at which time it was near
night) it was thought necessary for the safety of the Town,
and for preventing a rescue of the persons committed to
goal [jail] for firing upon, and killing a number of,
his Majesty's
subjects, that there should be a military watch : and divers [diverse]
Gentlemen were desired to take the needful steps for that
purpose. It being then night, it was impossible a regular
tification should issue from the officers of the militia : a
siderable number of respectable persons therefore offered
themselves voluntiers [volunteers] , and did the duty of a
military watch
under the direction of the
Lieutenant-Colonel, who
ed that service with the approbation of the chief Colonel of
Boston regiment. The next day, with two of the
men of the Town, the chief Colonel went to the the
Governor, & they informed him it was apprehended
ly necessary for the safety of the Town, there should be a
tary warch kept ; and that the Colonel then waited upon him
to receive his orders. The
Governor declined
giving any orders concerning it, but said the Law was clear,
that the Colonel, as chief officer of the regiment, might order
a military watch ; and that he might do about it as he
thought fit. In conseqience of this, and knowing the Law
gave him such a power, the Colonel issued his orders for that
purpose, & a regular watch was kept the following night. The