Judges of the Superior Court of Judicature,
making them not only intirely independent of
the People, whose Lives and Fortunes are so
much in their Power, but absolutely dependent
on the Crown, (which may hereafter be worn
by a Tyrant) both for their Appointment and
Support, we cannot but be extremely alarm'd
at the mischievous Tendency of this Innovation;
which, in our Opinion is directly contrary to
the Spirit of the British Constitution, pregnant
with innumerable Evils, & hath a direct Tenden-
cy to deprive us of everything valuable as Men,
as Christians, and as Subjects, entitled, by the
Royal Charter, to all the Rights, Liberties and
Privileges of native Britons. Such being the
critical State of this Province, we think it our
Duty on this truly distressing Occasion, to ask
you, What can withstand the Attacks of mere
Power? What can preserve the Liberties of the
Subject, when the Barriers of the Constitution
are taken away? The Town of Boston, con-
sulting on the Matter abovementioned, thought
proper to make Application to the Governor
by a Committee; requesting his Excellency to
communicate such Intelligence as he might
have received, relative to the Report of the
Judges having their Support independent of the
Grants of this Province, a Copy of which you
have herewith in Paper No. 1.* [askerisk reference mark indicates that there is a note below] To which we
received as Answer the Paper No. 2. [double dagger reference mark indicates that there is a note below] The

[asterisk reference mark:]* Appendix, No. 1. [double dagger reference mark:]See Appendix, No. 2.