A LETTER of Correspondence, to the
other Towns.
November 20, 1772.
WE, the Freeholders and other Inhabitants
Boston, in Town-Meeting duly assem-
bled, according to Law, apprehending there is
abundant Reason to be alarmed that the Plan of
Despotism, which the Enemies of our invaluable
Rights have concerted, is rapidly hastening to
a completion, can no longer conceal our im-
patience under a constant, unremitted, uniform
Aim to inslave us, or confide in an Administra-
tion which threatens us with certain and ine-
vitable destruction. But, when in Addition to
the repeated Inroads made upon the Rights and
Liberties of the Colonists, and of those in this
Province in particular, we reflect on the late
extraordinary Measure in affixing Stipends, or
Salaries from the Crown to the Offices of the