Query 9. Is there any perceptible difference
between the general, moral or social conduct
of emancipated persons or their dependants &
others ?

Persons Gentlemen who have studied this matter with philosoph-
ical attention, do not scruple to say that there is no
more difference between them & those whites who have
had the same education & lived in the same habits,
than there is among the whites themselves; and different persons of that class of whites
in this opinion I am inclined to acquiesce. It is neither birth
nor colour but education & habit that form the
human character.

[End of paragraph from p. 29:]
go or volunteers to ye No of 6 or 700 against the In-
surgents in ye western Counties; but the Council did not
advise to the sending them, & indeed there was no necessity for their servicepartly because there was
enough without them & partly because it would have
had an appearance disagreeable to our disaffected
brethn as if we held them in Contempt.