slavery in Massachusetts.
1. The first introduction of negroes or other slaves into
2. Whether the African trade was carried on thither? at
what period it commenced ? to what extent it was carried
on ? when it began to decline ? and when it was wholly
discontinued ?
3. Whether it was carried on by European or American
adventurers ? by what means its declension first began ?
whether from legislative discouragement or other causes ?
and to what causes its abolition is to be ascribed ?
4. The state of slavery in
Massachusetts when slaves were
most numerous ? their number when most numerous ? their
proportion to the number of white persons at that period ?
5. The mode by which slavery hath been abolished there ?
whether by a general and simultaneous emancipation ? or at
different periods ? or whether by declaring all persons born
after a particular period free ?
6. At what period slavery was wholly abolished ? what
were their numbers and proportion to the whites at that
period ?
7. What is the condition of emancipated negroes ? is any
and what provision made for their Education and mainte-
nance, during infancy, or in a state of decrepitude, age or
insanity ?
8. What are their political rights or disabilities ? if there
be any discrimination between them and white persons ?
9. Is there any perceptible difference between the general,
moral, or social conduct of emancipated persons or their
descendants and others ?
10. Are intermarriages frequent between blacks and
whites ? if so, are such alliances more frequent between
black men and white women, or the contrary ?
11. Does harmony in general prevail between the blacks
and white citizens ? do they associate freely together ? or is
there a pre-eminence claimed by the one, and either avowed-
ly or tacitly admitted by the other ?