Sunday Noon 12 June 1774
Dear Will
If my last was in a desponding stile,
I'm sure I have much more reason to be so now; as ought
else but poverty & distress stares us in the face--our committee
of correspondence, not content with the calamities already come
upon us, have issued out letters to ev'ry town in
the Province
(without consulting ye town in regard to the expediency of such
a measure) accompanied with a Solemn League & covenant
so stild, for ev'ry Inhabitant in each town to sign, whereby
they obligate themselves by the most sacred oaths not
to purchase any kind of goods fabricated in
either already here, or that may be hereafter imported;
such is the cursed zeal that now prevails, animosities
run higher than ever, each party charging the other
as bringing ruin upon their country--that unless some
expediency is adopted to get the port open, by paying for
the tea (which seems to be the only one) am afraid we
shall experience the worst of evils, a civil war,
! which
God avert! -- The trading part promisd themselves
general compliance with the tenor of the act [illegible] would
been readily come into, in making compensation for the
tea, after being assurd the other
provinces would not
adopt ye plan proposd; but instead of that, those,
who have
govern'd the town for years past, & were in a
great mea-
sure the authors of all our evils, by their injudicious
conduct -- are grown more obstinate than ever, and
may be sufficiently evinced by all their conduct; they not
only intend to deprive us of trade in future, but render us
utterly incapable of contributing that assistance which will
be absolutely necessary for ye support of the indigent the
approachg fall & winter, [illegible]
[illegible] by their cruel endeavors to stop
the little inland trade we expected.
Our wharfs are intirely deserted, not a
topsail vessell to be seen, either there or in the
harbour, save the
Ships of War & transport, the latter of wch land their passengers
in this town tomorrow, four regts. are already
arrivd, & four more
are expected, how they are to be disposd of
cant say; it gave
out, that if ye General Court dont provide barracks
for em, they
are to be quarterd on ye inhabitants in ye fall,
if so, am deter-
mind not to stay in it-- the executors of ye act seem to
strain points beyond what was ever intended, for they make
all ye vessells, both wth
grain & wood, entirely unload at
Marblehd before
theyll permit em to come
in here, which
conduct in regard to ye article of wood, had already greatly
enhanc'd the price, and the coasters say they
wont come at
all, if they are to be alwais put to such trouble, as
they are
oblig'd to hire another vessel to unload into
& then return
it back again, as they have no wharves to admit of their
Landing it on--nor will they suffer any article of merchze
to be brot. or carry'd
over Charles Rr. ferry, that we
are obligd to
pay for 28 miles land carrge to get our goods from
Marblehd or
could fill up a number of sheets to enumerate all our
difficulties--that we may be speedily relievd
from them
all, is the hearty prayer of your distressd
friend & Brothr --
John Andrews
12th June 1774
To Mr. William Barrell
Favord by
Mr. Pollard of