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Octr. 31 [1870]

My dear Father-

Voici the latest method of
giving news to those outside — Has there
ever been anything [Printed line:] Paris, le ___ novembre 1870. in History to Compare
with the Events of the last 3 months?
Paris, as I first saw it, & Paris of today, is
not of the Same World — A Theatre or two
is going to open this week — it will be a
blessing to Some, & much needed to drive
off the horrible depression that has taken
possession of this once bright City — All
the hotels are closed, & the Grand Hotel is now
used as a Vast Ambulance — A pestilence
is more to be dreaded I think, than the
Prussian bombs — the Small pox [which]
had almost disappeared is now raging
worse than ever — There were 378 deaths from
it last week — I have had a bed moved
into one of our rooms at "No 3" where I intend
living until this cruel war is over —

The few friends I had remaining went
away last week, & have "left me alone
in my glory" — I was just about saying
everything is quiet here, but this moment hear
there is great Excitement in the Streets & [all] Kind's
of rumors afloat about our being on the eve of
another Revolution — A force is marching on the
Hotel de Ville for the purpose of overthrowing
the present Government — They are beating the
rappel everywhere, & there is a h___ of a row
generally — I am sorry for the Nation
& heartily sick myself of all these
troubles — to one who has "Goods & Chattels"
to take Care of, it is not pleasant to feel
a Parisian Mob has the upper hand —

Well it is nearly 7. oclk & I am
going to a Restaurant to get a little
"horse" —

Love to all at home
Adieu yr Eugene

[Printed address form completed in manuscript.]



M. C. F. Winthrop
18 Wall Street
à New York par
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