I feel myself much obligd to my dear Friend every time I peruse her kind
favors which I often do over & over again in the room of a fresh supply.
It would give me additional pleasure to bring you often in arrears if it was
not for trespassing on those important hours which from your extensive
Correspondence & the happy arrangement of your domestic concerns can
admit but of little vacancy. I must confess to you the inauspicious
appearances of the last year together with the clouded brow of a
great & good Patriot, the unfavorable Imagery you thot recent in
his mind, encreasd the anxiety of my too often desponding imagination
but I think a New Year presents a brighter View. I congratulate you
on our late Success, let us my friend enjoy this Victory. and tho a
Skillful General has been meanly [Kidnaped?] let us not think the
Fate of America hangs on the Prowess of a Single person.
My Son William receivd a letter last night from an officer of distinguished
rank in the army who writes 'The Scale is turnd greatly in our Favor
The enemy are intimidated & fleeing before them & Says if we had
but 5000 Continental Troops he makes no doubt they would be
able to cut them all off. However he hopes to diminish them greatly.
What a pity it is to want men at so important a Crisis?
He gives the N Englanders great merit in the Late glorious Action.
He mentions a brisk cannonade supposd to be at Princetown Jany the 3d
The description you give of the meeting of our Ambassadors on Long Island is romantically
pleasing. The Sage, The Venerable Mentor, who is gone beyond Sea
I think gives a dignity to all his Negotiations. I wish to Heaven
he may succeed in whatever he undertakes. He wrote a short
leave to the small Circle of His Favorites, intimating that His
encreasing years forbid him thinking of a return to his native
clime; but He left them with the most invigorating Sentiments
of affection for His dear Country. How happy would it be
if such Valuable lives might be protracted beyond the four
score Limits. I hear the other gentleman is now blest with return
ing spirits. I long to know your sentiments of present appearances.
I hear Plimouth has producd lately a Prophetical Egg that bodes
no good to America for the year 77, but as it is said to be laid
by a Tory hen I interpret it to be what is wishd, rather than
what will happen. The inscription on it is said to be. Howe
will Conquer America. but I believe the Prophesy will prove
as Brittle as the Tablet on which it is engravd.
If I thot you would not charge me with an affectation of dabbling
in Astronomy, I would tell you, I was lately an Humble attendant
on my observer of the grand movements of the Celestial orbs
that rules the day. However enwrapt in incertainty the events
in which we of this Terrestial ball are interested. a perfect regularity
reigns there. no intervening accident can prevent the completion
of their appointed route. The Sky at the beginning of the Eclipse was unkindly
overspread with clouds but soon cleard off & gave so good a View as to
be able to judge with Precision the Quantity & duration of the Moons
path over the Sun. He has also this fall taken a trip with little
mercury across the Sun, similar to the Transit of Venus, I think a
beautiful sight. I assure you these are great Points to an Astronomer
tho the greater part of mankind are so inattentive to these Glorious
works of an Almighty Creator, that they rise & shine & perform
their amazing Circuits without any other observation than, its being
sometimes a fine sun shine day or a fine star light Evening.
Now I have incurrd your Censure pray pass Sentence, however
I hope the inhabitants of those States are better employd than in
spreading devastation & death among their Loyal subjects &
brethren. My sister has been obligd to make another move, they reside
in Coll Phips's House. Her pearly drops are often flowing at her unhappy
Situation, five removes since the Cruel burning of Charlestown. I endeavor
to bring to her View the Scenes of ravage & bloodshed which mark the the progress of British & Hessian Troops thro the Jerseys, enough to thaw
the most frozen heart. but it is much easier to Preach Fortitude & Patience
under Sufferings than to Practice them. You & I are enjoying our
homes, but I dare not indulge the thought how it will be with us in
the Spring. the only Consolating Consideration is an alwise Superintendent
at Helm & with Univesal Nature at command.
I give you joy on the recovery of your Sons from the small Pox. a great
easement to the mind of an anxious parents, when they enter on the Theatre
of business. General Warren I hear is closely engagd in matters of great
moment Mr Winthrop joyns me in wishing him health & happiness
& in kind regards to you. allow me to Subscribe Your
Miss Chrisy presents
her most respectful regards to Mrs Warren
Janry the 14th. 1777 Mrs Warren
Jany 14th 1777