Philade. Sunday Aftn. [4 April 1841] 5 o'clk--
My Dear Wife,
I am shocked at the news of
Harrison's death. How striking! I never
knew an event more calculated to make
a whole nation consider. How little do mor-
tals know. No one seemed to consider that
H. was mortal, or to make any
lations upon his death, after he should be cho-
sen --It was sometimes asked what wd
be done, in case he should die before the elec-
tion. Tyler was
[not?] would not probably have
been selected by the whigs, if it had been
supposed that he was officially to be Presidt.
for four years. Who of all the crowds that
followed him, & joined in the huzzas on the
4th of Mar:
ticipated such an event -- that he was
to die in just one month after his e-
lection inauguration. One alone knew it, -- that is
he "who knoweth all things". Mr.Fur-
niss prayed for the President in a
most fervent & affecting manner this
morning, & prayed that if the sickness
was to be his last -- it might, above all
things be sanctified to the whole nation --
to teach them how uncertain are all
lic funeral I shall go to Washn. & in-
deed I shall probably go on, as I feel very
anxious to know what is now to be done
-- and what are the opinions of Mr. Webs-
ter &c. It interferes with all plans --
The Session of Congress will probably be
very short. What effect it will have
on the elections, no one knows. But
let us hope for the best.
I was delighted with Mr.
church this morning. It was, literally,
full -- every part of it --& a most
table congregation -- well dressed -- many
young men, who constitute the strength
& hope of a Society. All the Services were
excellent -- It was communion day -- I
attended at his church the first Sunday
after his ordination -- the first time he
ever administered the communion.
Horace Jenks introduced me to
"Mrs. Jenks" -- a very pretty -- pleasant
looking little girl -- Going to church
I met Mrs. King -- a most agreable &
highly respectable lady -- Quite a
coincidence. I intended to attend the
evening service -- but it rains very
hard & the church is at some distance.
My mind constantly recurs to the
death of the President -- whom I be-
lieve to be have been as honest a man as ever
lived. He was determd to administer
the Govt on high, constitutional
ciples -- to make the administration
Washington his model. His last
words, it is said were -- the expression of
a fervent hope that the Constitution &
laws might be sacredly observed. His
wife is entitled to great sympathy.
I am -- ever -- Yr. affecte. husband,
The people of Washn. are said
to be
in the deepest sorrow, at this event.