Boston June 1775

Ever dear and Honored Mother,

In my last I told you that I should not lett Slip any oppor-
tunity that should offer me without writeing -- This is the first
I've had which I embrace by writeing you these few -- which I hope
will find you well and Brother with all friends in good health
as it leves all of us enjoying. I shall write you as opportunities
present me, with hope after a few letters to be honoured with one
from you, tho I no you are not more fond of writeing than myself
but however be that as it may. I think it ought to be no excuse for
us -- but however diffident I ever have been in writeing letters,
beleve me dear Madam, that the pleasure of setting down to write to
you is a pleasure that of all other human satisfactions I find the
most unwillingness to resign, more peticular at this difficult time
when its very probable that in a little time the difficulty will be such
that no letters will be suffered to pass so that we cant expect to here
from each other -- therefore [?] as we have now some opportunities
for writeing letts embrace them on both sides -- so that when we can here
no more we at least can have the pleasure of perusing these altho
[but] little comfort to either of us without fresh ones -- but however
[dark] and terrible things appear at this present time, I hope [you]
make not the least doubt but soon will be the time when we shall
have the Comfort of enjoying each other again as we always have
done -- as to politicks was I ever so great a politicall I would
not by any means chuse to enter upon them at this time --
it would be very strange indeed if I could find no foundation
to write on but politicks no thats not the Case -- enough
could I find was I to dwell upon the many obligations I'm under
to you for your kind care and indulgence you have ever shone toward
me -- but as to my behaviour to you heretofore I hope has in
many respects deserved it -- if not nothing shall be wanting on
my part to make it so for the time to come -- as to this town, its
dull and dismal to see most all the house inhabited either
by soldiers or their officers our friends and acquaentances
deserting them and the town which is in a Continual alarrum
with the [sound?] Sound of war -- our nights disturb'd by Scurmishes
of fighting, which we have had many instances of since your
departure from us, I'm thankful you are out of the the town
for I'm very sure you must have been greatly frightened

had you been here -- as to peace pleasure or happiness
I dont expect to enjoy, for happiness consists in the peace
of the soul. you cannot enjoy the pleasures of the mind, without
without the health of the mind, for that person is happy who can
clearly Say he has no uneaseness nor trouble upon his mind at
this time, there is I be leve but few -- but where am I stroling
I did not intend to tire you at this time, but words very
willingly drops from my pen and am loth to with hold them
but I must. I want very much to See you one more
before the Siege begins, for I cand find no pleasure no
Injoyment here -- but in what Injoyment I find your
danger hangs like the weight of death in my Soul. all
my Earthly happiness Seems in Suspense by the uncertainty
of your health. I cannot express the tenderness of my
affection for you, 'tis the Strongest engagement my heart
feels to the world. O! May that Sovereign power who
has the Springs of nature in his hand Spare your life, and
[hon ]oir it with distinguished favour's. -- But how[ever]
[ . . . ] is determined one of the Watches of this night will
be imployed to beg that your evidences for immortal
happiness may be clear and unquestioned, that the god
of all Consotation would make his goodness to pass before
you and on this Side of heaven lest out one ray of that glory
(I Speak it with full assurance) will open in all its Splendor
on you forever, when you have one passed the gloomy thou[ghts]
of death. O! [may?] O! May you be refreshed here
below with the foretaste of those rivers of pleasure of
which you will be Swallowed up in the region of
perpetual Joy -- which is the Sincere Wish of your

obedient and Dutyfull Son,
Leverett Saltonstall


Mr. B Mrs. Badger and her little
ones are very [lovely?] well.
Nathl. is a fine Boy, grows finely


Mrs. Mary Harrod