Hartford March the 4th. 1703/4.


This afternoon our forces return'd from the County of Ha[m]pshire who
give this Sorrow full accot. of that action, About two houres before day
On Tuesday morning Last, Some of the enemy got over the garrison by the
help of a drift of Snow blown up agst. it who imediately open'd the gates
by which means the rest entred with out any op[p]osition, with horrid
Shouting and Yelling alarm'd the the Sleeping Inhabitants and wth. fire and
Sword made Lamentable desolations, Its Judg'd the enemy consisted of
between 3 or 400 hundred the One halfe or more being french, by
the best accot. is Suppos'd they kil'd about 49 persons and captivated
near 100, The enemy its Judg'd have Lost near forty besides wounded
They quitted the towne between 9 and ten being persu'd by a Smale
Party of about 30 men who came first to the Relief of the distressed
whose courage was more worthy aplauss, then their condu'ct. Altho they
kil'd five, yet venturing too Farr lost nine in the retreat are [ere] they could
recover the garrison; When the other forces that march'd up came upon
the ground a councill of Warr was held and by the Majority concluded
impracticable to follow the enemy the Snow being near three foot
deep there was no travaling but in their path, there fore to venture
would but expose them Selves with out any hopes of Success, where upon
that County men return'd leaving Only our men in the garrison that
night who drew of [off] next morning -- Capt. Wells his house wth. the persons
therein Safe, as also in another that was not forted where were Seven
men did bravely defend themSelves,not withingstanding [notwithstanding] many threatenings, promises
And Vigorous Assaults made by the enemy -- they march'd
5 or 6 miles that day as we are inform'd by a captive that made an
Escape from them the first night, who gives this farther accot. -- that his
Master inform'd him there came 600 in all over the Lake whereof 200
were upon some other Enterprize and not yet return'd -- The councill
of Warr have Signified this matter to the townes of Symsbury, Farmingt.,
Waterberrie and Woodberrie with advice to be upon their guard.

Sr. this covers a Letter from Col Partridge directed to
your Honour wherein he refreshes his desire of 60 or 70 men to
be posted in those townes. Yesterday persuant to your Honrs. Letter

Letter to the Gentlemen of the councill an Express was Sent to the Deputy
Governer respecting the men to be raised in the Countys of New Haven
and Fairfield, that they might be in a readiness to march as need
Should require, but its possible nothing will be Effected unless your
Honours pleasure be Fully known in that matter.

We are like wise informd Some men are Sent to Albany to advise
them of this party of Indians that if possible they may be intercepted
in their returne.

We are
Your Honours most humble and
Obedient Servants.
By order of the councill of Warr
Willm. Whiting


Mr. Williams his wife and Sevn children
Carryd away.

[Subscription (recipient's name at foot of page)]
To the Honorable John Winthrop
Esqr. Governer of the Colony of


Capt. W. Whiting
about the Mischeif
at Deerefeild by the
French & Indians
March 4th. 1703/4


For her Majtys Service
For the Honorable John Winthrop. Esqr
Governer and Com[m]ander in chief of her Maj'ty,
Colony of Connectticott.