Boston February 5th 1766


You doubtless of every American must be
Sensible, that where this is a Union happily established
we Should Endeavour to Support it by all possible Means
Especially when the Grand Objection View is the
Preservation of our Invaluable Rights of Priv-

The Colonies (we Mean) New York & Connecticut
have entered into Certain Reciprocal and Mutual Agreements
Concessions and Associations, a Copy of which we received
(by an Express) the Last Sunday with their Desire to
Accomplish the Like Association with us; and which deserves
our most Serious Attention as thereby it will be the Means
of Strenghtning [Strengthening] this Late Union & in our humble Opinnion
of preventing the Execution of an Act of Parliament, commonly
known by the Name of the Stamp Act, but to avoid enlargeing
permitt us to Single out a few Words, by which you will know
their Intentions.

The Worthy Sons of Liberty in New York & Connecticut
takeing into their most Serious Consideration the Melancholy
& unsettled State of Great Britain & her Colonies North
American Colonnies, proceeding as they are fully persuaded
from a Design in her most Inveterate Enemies to
alienate the Affections of his Majesties most Loyall and
Faithfull Subjects In America from his Person and
Government, which they are Determined to maintain and support: & for the
Preservation of which they have Signified their Resolution
and Determination to March with all Dispatch, at their
own Costs & Expence, on the First proper Notice with their
[Handwritten note:] Please to turn over.

Whole Force (If required) to the Releif if those who shall or
may be in Danger from the Stamp Act or its Abettors and
to keep a Watchfull Eye over all those who from the Nature
of their Offices, Vocations, or Dispositions may be the most
Likely to Introduce the use of Stamped Paper, to the
total Subversion of the British Constitution and
American Liberty.

We address ourselves to you ; as a Gentleman well vers'd
in the Constitution of your Country and Consequently
will do your Utmost, to Oppose all Measures
Detrimental to the Wellfare of it, and we should
be Glad tif you would inform Us as Soon as possible
of your Sentiements on the Above & the Dispossitions
of the People in Your Town.

Please to Direct to us under Cover to Mess. Edes
& Gill, Printers in Boston. We are
Your most Humble Servants
The Sons of Liberty


John Adams Esq.
Brantry [Braintree]