asked their aids, that during the course of that
war, Parliament repeatedly made them compen-
sations for the expences of those strenuous efforts,
which, consulting their zeal rather than their
strength, they had chearfully incurred.

SEVERE as the Acts of Parliament before-
mentioned are, yet the conduct of Administration
has been equally injurious, and irritating to this
devoted country.

UNDER pretence of governing them, so many
new institutions, uniformly rigid and dangerous,
have been introduced, as could only be expected
from incensed masters, for collecting the tribute
or rather the plunder of conquered provinces.

BY an order of the King, the authority of the
Commander in chief, and under him of the Bri-
gadiers general, in time of peace, is rendered su-
in all the civil governments in America;
and thus an uncontroulable military power is
vested in officers not known to the constitution
of these colonies.

A LARGE body of troops and a considerable
armament of ships of war have been sent to as-
sist in taking their money without their consent.

EXPENSIVE and oppressive offices have been
multiplied, and the acts of corruption indus-
triously practiced to divide and destroy.

THE Judges of the Admiralty and Vice Ad-
miralty Courts are impowered to receive their