two branches of our Legislative in favour
of a distressed and wronged people: And less
the complaints naturally occasioned by such
oppression should excite compassion in the
royal Breast, and induce his Majesty seri-
ously to set about relieving us from the cruel
Bondage and Insults which we, his loyal Sub-
jects, have so long suffered, the Governor is for-
bidden to consent to the payment of an Agent
to represent our grievances at the Court of
Britain, unless he, the Governor, consent to his
Election; and we very well know that the Man
must be to whose appointment a Governor, in
such circumstances, will consent.
While we are mentioning the Infringe-
ments of the Rights of this Colony in particular
by means of Instructions, we cannot help calling
to remembrance the late unexampled Suspen-
sion of the Legislative of a Sister Colony,
York, by force of an Instruction, until they
should comply with an arbitrary act of the
British Parliament, for quartering Troops, de-
signed, by military execution, to enforce the
raising of a tribute.
8thly. The extending the power of the Courts
of Vice-Admiralty to so enormous a degree, as
deprives the people in the colonies, in a great
measure, of their inestimable right to trials by