[March 1776 ]Several Fire Engines which would
undoubtedly have consumed Some
of their Fleet but the Wind proving
unfavourable detered us from put-
-ting our design in execution--

The Enemy having thus evacuated
Boston & chiefly left the Harbour
the Army excepting a few Regim=
-ents were order'd to the Southward
as it was expected the Enemy were
gone to the Southern Colonies at
least there was great danger of it
and as New York (I suppose) was
thaught to be the Center of the Colo=
-nies they were ordered for that
place -- many Regiments had al=
-ready marched (& by accounts from
them they had arrived at N. York)
before the Fleet left Boston the others
as I before hinted mention'd had orders
to follow-- Genl Green's Brigade
consisting of 5 Regiments Viz
Colns Varnum Hitchcock Little
Reed & Bailey had orders to March on
Monday the 1 of April [1776] to New London
by the Way of Norwich, but in