between the subjects in Britain and America,
as the rendering the Judges here altogether de-
pendent on the Crown for their support.

7thly. We find ourselves greatly oppressed
by Instructions sent to our Governor from the
Court of Great Britain; whereby the first branch
of our legislature is made meerly a ministerial
Engine. And the Province has already felt such
effects from these instructions, as we think, justly
intitle us to say, that they threaten an entire de-
struction of our Liberties; and must soon, if not
check'd, render every branch of our government
a useless burthen upon the people. We shall
point out some of the alarming effects of these
instructions which have already taken place.

In consequence of instructions, the Governor
has called and adjourned our General Assemblies
to a place highly inconvenient to the Members
and greatly disadvantageous to the interest of the
province, even against his own declared Intention.

In consequence of instructions, the Assembly
has been prorogued from time to time, when
the important concerns of the Province re-
quired their meeting.

In obedience to instructions the General
Assembly was Anno 1768 dissolved by Gover-
nor Bernard, because they would not consent
to rescind the Resolution of a former House, and
thereby sacrifice the Rights of their Constituents.