[March 1776, cont.] more than a confused heap of Rubbish
The Enemy left the Cchief part
of their Cannon all of which
(excepting three 18 lbers which were
entire) had either a Trunnion
beat of or the Breechings broke
of and all Spiked up -- we dug up
Several of their Boxes of powder
which were designed to blow up
part of the Walls but had not taken
The Enemies Fleet which
I left at
Nantascet remained there
till Wednesday
27 of March [1776] when
about half of their Number con=
-sisting chiefly of Transports with
a Few Convoys of Men of war being about Set
Sail & Stood out to Sea, the remain=
-ing Ships excepting 4 Men of war
(which they left at
Nantascet) foll-
-owed them the next Saturday--
The Fleet lying So long below
made many People mistrustfull
that their design was to reland in
Some part of the Harbour, therefore
we kept Strong Guards in every