portion and Value of Five Shillings and Six Pence the Ounce in Silver;
and that all the Forfeitures and Penalties hereby inflicted, and which
shall be incurred, in the said Colonies and Plantations, shall and may be
prosecuted, sued for, and recovered, in any Court of Record, or in any
Court of Admiralty, in the respective Colony or Plantation where the
Offence shall be committed, or in any Court of Vice Admiralty appoint-
ed or to be appointed, and which shall have Jurisdiction within such Co-
lony, Plantation, or Place, (which Courts of Admiralty or Vice Admiralty
are hereby respectively authorized and required to proceed, hear, and deter-
mine the same,) at the Election of the Informer or Prosecutor; and that from
and after the Twenty ninth Day of September, One thousand seven hun-
dred and sixty five, in all Cases, where any Suit or Prosecution shall
be commenced and determined for any Penalty or Forfeiture inflicted by
this Act, or by the said Act made in the Fourth Year of His present
Majesty's Reign, or by any other Act of Parliament relating to the Trade
or Revenues of the said Colonies or Plantations, in any Court of Admiralty
in the respective Colony or Plantation where the Offence shall be commit-
ted, either Party, who shall think himself aggrieved by such Determina-
tion, may appeal from such Determination to any Court of Vice Admi-
ralty appointed or to be appointed, and which shall have Jurisdiction
within such Colony, Plantation, or Place, (which Court of Vice Admi-
ralty is hereby authorized and required to proceed, hear, and determine
such Appeal) any Law, Custom, or Usage to the contrary notwithstand-
ing; and the Forfeitures and Penalties hereby inflicted, which shall be
incurred in any other Part of His Majesty's Dominions, shall and may be
prosecuted, sued for and recovered, with full Costs of Suit, in any Court
of Record within the Kingdom, Territory, or Place, where the Offence
shall be committed, in such and the same Manner as any Debt or Damage,
to the Amount of such Forfeiture or Penalty, can or may be sued for
and recovered.

And it is hereby further enacted, That all the Forfeitures and Penal-
ties hereby inflicted shall be divided, paid, and applied, as follows; (that
is to say) One Third Part of all such Forfeitures and Penalties recovered
in the said Colonies and Plantations, shall be paid into the Hands of One of
the Chief Distributors of stamped Vellum, Parchment, and Paper, residing
in the Colony or Plantation wherein the Offender shall be convicted, for the
Use of His Majesty, His Heirs, and Successors; One Third Part of the
Penalties and Forfeitures, so recovered, to the Governor or Commander in
Chief of such Colony or Plantation; and the other Third Part thereof, to
the Person who shall inform or sue for the same; and that One Moiety of
all such Penalties and Forfeitures recovered in any other Part of His Ma-
jesty's Dominions, shall be to the Use of His Majesty, His Heirs, and
Successors, and the other Moiety thereof, to the Person who shall inform
or sue for the same.

And it be further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all the
Offences which are by this Act made Felony, and shall be committed with-
in any Part of his Majesty's Dominions, shall and may be heard, tried and
determined, before any Court of Law within the respective Kingdom, Ter-
ritory, Colony, or Plantation, where the Offence shall be committed, in
such and the same Manner as all other Felonies can or may be heard,
tried, and determined, in such Court.

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all the pre-
sent Governors or Commanders in Chief, of any British Colony or Planta-
tion, shall, before the said first Day of November, One thousand seven hundred