Ports & other Places within the Limits of their
Commission, full Power and Authority, from
time to time, at their or any of their Wills and
Pleasures, as well by Night as by Day, to enter
an go on board any Ship, Boat, or other
Vessel, riding, lying, or being within, or com-
ing into, any Port, Harbour, Creek or Haven,
within the limits of their Commission; and also
in the day-time to go into any House, Shop,
Cellar; or any other Place, where any Goods,
Wares or Merchandizes lie concealed, or ar sus-
pected to lie concealed, whereof the customs and
other duties, have not been or shall not be, duly
paid and truly satisfied, answered or paid unto
the Collectors, Deputy-Collectors, Ministers,
Servants, and othe Officers respectively, or
otherwise agreed for; and the said House,
Shop, Warehouse, Cellar, and other Place to
search and survey, and all and every the Boxes,
Trunks, Chests and Packs then and there found
to break open."

Thus our Houses, and even our Bed-Cham-
bers, are exposed to be ransacked, our Boxes,
Trunks and chests broke open, ravaged and
plundered, by Wretches, whom no prudent Man
would venture to employ even as menial Servants;
whenever they are pleased to say they suspect
there are in the House, Wares, &c. for which
the Duties have not been paid. Flagrant in-
stances of the wanton exercise of the Power,