venting Frauds, and regulating Abuses, in the Plantation Trade,
all Go
vernors or Commanders in Chief of any of His Majesty’s Colonies or Plan-
tations, are required to take a solemn Oath, to do their utmost that all
Clauses, Matters, and Things, contained in that Act, and several other
Acts of Parliament therein referred to, relating to the said Colonies and
Plantations, be punctually and bona fide observed, according to
the true
Intent and Meaning thereof: And whereas divers other good Laws have
been since made, for the better regulating and securing the Plantation
Trade: Be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all the
sent Governors or Commanders in Chief of any British Colony
or Plan-
tation shall, before the Twenty ninth Day of September, One
seven hundred and sixty four, and all who hereafter shall be made
vernors or Commanders in Chief of the said Colonies or Plantations, or
any of them, before their Entrance into their Government, shall take a
solemn Oath, to do their utmost that all the Clauses, Matters, and Things,
contained in any Act of Parliament heretofore made, and now in Force,
relating to the said Colonies and Plantations, and that all and every the
Clauses contained in this present Act, be punctually and bona fide
ved, according to the true Intent and Meaning thereof, so far as
unto the said Governors or Commanders in Chief respectively, under the
like Penalties, Forfeitures, and Disabilities, either for neglecting to
the said Oath, or for wittingly neglecting to do their Duty accordingly,
are mentioned and expressed in the said recited Act made in the Seventh
and Eighth Year of the Reign of King William the
Third; and the said
Oath, hereby required to be taken, shall be administered by such Person or
Persons as hath or have been, or shall be, appointed to administer the
Oath required to be taken by the said Act made in the Seventh and Eighth
Year of the Reign of King William the Third.
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all
ties and Forfeitures herein before mentioned, which shall be incurred
Great Britain, shall and may be prosecuted, sued
for, and recovered,
in any of His Majesty’s Courts of Record at
Westminister, or in the Court
of Exchequer in
Scotland, respectively; and (all necessary Charges
the Recovery thereof being first deducted) shall be divided and applied,
One Moiety to and for the Use of His Majesty, His Heirs and
sors, and the other Moiety to the Seizor or Prosecutor.
And it is hereby further enacted and declared, That from and after
the Twenty ninth Day of September, One thousand seven hundred
sixty four, all Sums of Money granted and imposed by this Act, and
by an act made in the Twenty fifth Year of the Reign of King
the Second, intituled, An Act for the Encouragement of
and EASTLAND Trades, and for the better securing the
Plantation Trade,
as Rates or Duties; and also all Sums of Money imposed as Penalties or
Forfeitures, by this or any other Act of Parliament relating to the
toms, which shall be paid, incurred, or recovered, in any of the
Colonies or Plantations in America; shall be
deemed, and are hereby
declared to be Sterling Money of
Great Britain, and shall be collected,
recovered, and paid, to the Amount of the Value which such Nominal
Sums bear in Great Britain; and that such Monies
shall and may be
received and taken according to the Proportion and Value of Five
lings and Six Pence the Ounce in Silver; and that all the
and Penalties inflicted by this or any other Act or Acts of Parliament
lating to the Trade and Revenues of the said British
Colonies or Plan-
tations in America, which shall be incurred
there, shall and may be pro-