My Lord
The Joyful occacion which has given
me this Confidence in Addressing your Lordship in the
inclosed peice will, I hope sufficiently apologize
this freedom in an African who with the now hap-
py America exults with equal transport in the view
of one of its greatest advocates presiding with the
Special tenderness of a Fatherly Heart over that
Nor can they my Lord be insensible of the
Friendship so much exemplified in your Endeav-
ours in their blhalf [behalf] during the late unhappy
I sincerely wish your Lordship
all possible success in your Undertaking for the
Interest of
north America
That the united blessings of Heaven & Earth
may attend you here and the endless Felicity of the --
invisible State in the presence of the divine Benefactor
may be your portion hereafter is the hearty Desire of
Your Lordships
Most Obedient
H'ble Servant
Boston N.E. Octo. 10th. 1772