In the Name of Amen -- I Catherine
Cornwell of Boston in the County of Suffolk in New
Engd: being of a Sound mind but Considering the uncertain-
=ty of this Life have thought fitt in Case of mortality
or after my Decease after Recommending my Soul to
God who gave it me hop:g through the meritorious Righ-
=teousness of Jesus Christ who gav my Redeemer to Obtain
a Remission of all my Sins and as for my Worldly Goods it has
Pleased God to Bless me wth: after my Debts and funerall
Charges are th paid, I give devise and bequeath unto my
True & Trusty friend Scipio Fayrweather my bed & Beeding
and the Tenth part of what remaineth of my Goods monys
or Effects which I shall have Left appointing the said Scipio
to be my Executor to this my Last will & Testiment, Item
I give devise and bequeath unto my Dearly Beloved Children
(the) Juby & Cornwell Rose.Catherine & margreet the remainder of my Goods mony or Effects to be Equally
Devided amongst them IN Wittness Whereof I hereunto
Sett my Hand & Seal this Eighth day of February 1752

E Tyng

Cath Corwall
her mark
[A symbol representing her "mark" is jotted here.]

Signed Sealed & delivd:
In Presence of us -- }
the Childrens Names Interlined
before Signg & sealing --

Edward Tyng Junr

Ann Tyng

Abigail Allen


Cathe: Corwall s
Last Will & Testiment