[The end of the previous entry is not transcribed.]

10 May 1774 Tuesday

The Annuall Town
meeting the four Old Representatives were
Chosen Sam Adams, John Hancock, Wm. Phillips
& Thos Cushing they were almost unanimous
ly chosen. I dind at home with Dr. Latham
Capt Callahan Mrs. Rowe Mr Inman
Geo Inman & Jack Rowe afternoon I
attended Town Meeting & spent the Evening
at Colonl Ingersolls with Treasr. Gray
Thos Gray Dr. Whitworth Jos. Winslow
Jos Golthwait Ezekl Golthwait Jos Scot
John Cotten James Warden Jos Blanchard
Tuthill Hubbard Jorn Erving Thos Brattle
Solo Davis Wm. Davis & Edwd Davis

The Harmony Capt Shayler arrived from
London & brings the Severest Act ever
was Penn'd against the Town of Boston.

11 May Wednesday the Weather Cold -- W NE--

I dind at home with Mr. Inman Mrs. Rowe--
Geo Inman & Jack Rowe -- afternoon Mrs. Rowe &
I took a Ride Round Jamaica Pond -- I spent the
Evening at Colo Ingersolls with Treasurer Gray--
Thos Gray Geo Erving James Warden Nat Cary--
Ezekl. Golthwait Thos Brattle Jos Blanchard--
Tuthill Hubbard. John Cotten Jos Scot Solo Davy
Willm. Davis & Edwd Davis--
Capt Jenkins arrivd from London in 29 Days--
Capt Scot in Mr Wm. Dennys Brigg arrivd
Capt Mowat from London having touhed in
at Halifax--
Capt Lyde in Mr Wm. Dennis ship arrivd --
& a vessell from Scotland with Upwards
of a hundred Passengers--