[This document, written by Archibald Kennedy, is comprised of copies of two different letters. Evidently Archibald Kennedy wanted to keep copies of a letter he received from Cadwallader Colden (the copy of this letter appears on page 2) and the letter he (Kennedy) sent in response to Colden; (the copy of Kennedy's letter appears on page 1). ]

Coventry New York. 2nd Novr. 1765


I have this Instant received yours of this date
informing me it is the desire of the Council that
the Stamp'd paper should be sent on board one of
the Kings Ships, as they are already lodged in
Fort George which is a place of security sufficient
to protect them from any attempt the Mob can
possibly make to destroy them. cannot see any
plausable reason for moving them, and indeed
the very attempting to move them must be
attended with much greater risque than they
can possibly be exposed to while there, I shall
ever be ready when necessity requires to give you
all the assistance in my power I am
Your most Obedient
humble servant


Fort George 2nd Novr. 1765


The Gentlemen of the Council are desirous
that the Stamp'd papers now in the Fort, should
be put on board one of the Men of War -- and
I desire to know as soon as possible from you
whether or not you will order them to be received
on board -- I have the honor to be
Your most Obedient
humble servant

Cadwallader Colden


Copy. Cadr Colden &
A. Kennedy & Answer
2d Novr. 1765