Suffolk ss Boston Apl. 16 1740.

Mary Mountire of Boston aforsd
widow after being carefully examined and Cautioned to
Testifie the whole Truth made Oath that Kent Negroeman
and Sambo Negroeman -- are her Slaves, and not the Estate
of George Janverin of Boston aforsd. Decd. that She the
Deponant with her own money bought Sd. Kent of
mr. John Forland of Boston aforsd. and Sambo of one mr. Clark
of Barbados that She bought Sd. Kent and Sambo Since
Sd. Janverin s last departure f [rom] Boston aforesd. and that
Sd. Negroes are her Sole pro [perty]

Taken this month day & year [ . . . ] at Boston aforsd. at the
[ . . . ] Susanah Jan [verin] widow of the Decd. the
[ . . . ] Beautenau [probably Boutineau] of Boston aforesd. mercht.
[ . . . ] appearing desired the Deponent might be carefully
[e ]xamined & Cautioned but refused to be present at the
[deposi ]tion thereof -- before me --

Samuel Adams Jusce Peace


By [ . . . ] Esqr
Clerk of
the Inferior Court of
Comon Pleas for the
County of Suffolk

