BOSTON, APRIL 20th, 1773.


THE efforts made by the legislative of this province in their last sessions to free themselves
from slavery, gave us, who are in that deplorable state, a high degree of satisfacton.
We expect great things from men who have made such a noble stand against the
designs of their fellow-men to enslave them. We cannot but wish and hope Sir,
that you will have the same grand object, we mean civil and religious liberty, in view
in your next session. The divine spirit of freedom, seems to fire every humane breast on
this continent, except such as are bribed to assist in executing the execrable plan.

WE are very sensible that it would be highly detrimental to our present masters, if
we were allowed to demand all that of right belongs to us for past services; this we dis-
claim. Even the Spaniards, who have not those sublime ideas of freedom that Eng-
lish men have, are conscious that they have no right to all services of their fellow-
men, we mean the Africans, whom they have purchased with their money; therefore they
allow them one day in a week to work for themselve, to enable them to earn money to
purchase the residue of their time, which they have a right to demand in such portions
as they are able to pay for (a due appraizment of their services being first made, which
always stands at the purchase money.) We do not pretend to dictate to you Sir, or to
the honorable Assembly, of which you are a member : We acknowledge our obligations
to you for what you have already done, but as the people of this province seem to be
actuated by the principles of equity and justice, we cannot but expect your house will
again take our deplorable case into serious consideration, and give us that ample relief
which, as men, we have a natural right to.

BUT since the wise and righteous governor of the universe, has permitted our fellow men
to make us slaves, we bow in submission to him, and determine to behave in such a
manner, as that we may have reason to expect the divine approbation of, and assistance
in, our peaceable and lawful attempts to gain our freedom.

WE are willing to submit to such regulations and laws, as may be made relative to
us, until we leave the province, which we determine to do as soon as we can from our
joynt labours procure money to transport ourselves to some part of the coast of Africa,
where we propose a settlement. We are very desirous that you should have instructi-
ons relative to us, from your town, therefore we pray you to communicate this letter to
them, and ask this favor for us.

In behalf of our fellow slaves in this province,
And by order of their Committee.

For the REPRESENTATIVE of the town of Taunton.


The Clerk of the Town
of Taunton for the use of the present Representatives
and their successors