being Sensible of the Treachery of my
Memory in recollecting past Events, I think
it advisable to keep a few Minutes to
assist a bad Memory, (made worse by
the Combustion of an Army) in bringing
to Mind past Events. But before I enter
upon this I must give a short detail of
the Inducements of that first braught
me to the Army & of some of the materi=
=rial Events and Circumstances which happened
during my continuance in Coln
Regiment--- The Army Ministerial
Army had for a long time (Viz ever Since
the Battle of
Lexington on the
19 of April
1775 been invested by the American
Army, which kept them closely confined
to their Quarters in
Boston, during which
Time many and Various Manoeuvers
were practised on both Sides to annoy
their Enemies the Circumstances of
which it is not my Design to relate.
IIn the beging of January 1775
was thaught best if possible to drive
them from their Fortresses, & as the Lines
of our Army were from necessity of a vast
Extent & as it was of infinite Importance
that each part Should be well maintaind
General Washington thaught the