Gainesville Florida
Feb 8th 1877

To the Honorable Leverett Saltonstall
Boston Mass

Dear Sir

Please accept
the accompanying papers,
they are a refutation of
the letter of JW Raymond
signed by gentlemen
who have been here long-
-enough to know and by
some who have been here
as long as Mr Raymond
I send you the original
and a copy. it is dire-
cted to the "Boston Traveller
please have that paper to
publish it, in justice to you
they should, the paper

is signed by Democr-
ats and Republicans
it is confined to no party

I will refer you
to Hon Chas P Thompson
Memr of Congress from

Please send me a copy
of [Very?] the paper
in which it is printed
I will have it publis
-hed here, if the Traveller
does not publish please
give it to a paper that
will publish it.

Very Respectfully
John J Thompson


I opened your letter
after it was sealed