3rdly. A Number of new Officers, unknown
in the Charter of this Province, have been
appointed to superintend this Revenue; whereas
by our Charter, the Great and General Court
or Assembly of this Province, has the sole Right
of appointing all Civil Officers, excepting only
such Officers, the election and constitution of
whom is, in said Charter, expressly excepted;
among who these Officers are not included.
4thly. These Officers are by their Com-
missions invested with Powers altogether un-
constitutional, and entirely destructive to that
Security which we have a right to enjoy; and
to the last degree dangerous, not only to our
property, but to our lives: For the Commis-
siors of his Majesty's Customs in
any three of them, are by the Commis-
sion impowered, "by writing under
hands and seals to constitute and appoint infe-
rior Officers in all and singular the Port within
the Limits of their Commissions." Each of these
petty officers so made is intrusted with Power
more absolute and arbitrary than ought to be
lodged in the hands of any Man or Body of
Men whatsoever; for in the Commission afore-
mentioned, his Majesty gives and grants unto
his said Commissioners, or any three of them,
and to all and every the Collectors, Deputy-
Collectors, Ministers, Servants, and all other
Officers serving & attending in all and every the