And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That
every Person who shall at any One Time buy of any Chief Distributor
within any of the said Colonies or Plantations, Vellum, Parchment, or
Paper, the Duties whereof shall amount to Five Pounds Sterling Money
of Great Britain, or upwards, shall be allowed
after the Rate of Four
Pounds per Centum, upon the prompt Payment of the said Duties to
Chief Distributor.
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all
lick Clerks or Officers within the said Colonies or Plantations, who
from time to time have in their Custody any Publick
Books, or other
Matters or Things hereby charged with a Stamp Duty, shall, at any
seasonable Time or Times, permit any Officer or Officers thereunto
thorized by the said Commissioners for managing the Stamp Duties, to
inspect and view all such Publick Books, Matters, and
Things, and to
take thereout such Notes and Memorandums as shall be necessary for
the Purpose of ascertaining or securing the said Duties, without Fee or
Reward; upon Pain that every such Clerk or other Officer who shall
refuse or neglect so to do, upon reasonable Request in that Behalf made,
shall, for every such Refusal or Neglect, forfeit the Sum of Twenty
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the high
Treasurer of Great Britain, or the Commissioners of
His Majesty's Trea-
sury, or any Three or more of such Commissioners, for the time being,
shall Once in every Year at least, set the Prices at which all Sorts of
stamped Vellum, Parchment, and Paper, shall be sold by the said
missioners for managing the Stamp Duties, and their Officers; and that
the said Commissioners for the said Duties shall cause such Prices to be
marked upon every such Skin and Piece of Vellum and Parchment, and
Sheet and Piece of Paper: And if any Officer or Distributor to be
pointed by virtue of this Act, shall sell, or cause to be sold, any
Parchment, or Paper, for a greater or higher Price or Sum, than the
Price or Sum so set or affixed thereon; every such Officer or
butor shall, for every such Offence, forfeit the Sum of Twenty Pounds.
And be it also enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the several
Officers who shall be respectively employed in the raising, receiving,
collecting, or paying, the several Duties hereby charged, within the said
Colonies and Plantations, shall every Twelve Months, or oftener, if
thereunto required by the said Commissioners for managing the said
Duties, exhibit his and their respective Account and Accounts of the
said several Duties upon Oath, or if a Quaker upon Affirmation, in the
Presence of the Governor, or Commander in Chief, or principal Judge of
the Colony or Plantation where such Officers shall be respectively
dent, in such Manner as the High Treasurer, or the Commissioners of
the Treasury, or any Three or more of such Commissioners for the time
being, shall, from time to time, direct and appoint, in order that the
same may be immediately afterwards transmitted by the said Officer or
Officers to the Commissioners for managing the said Duties, to be
trolled and audited according to the usual Course and Form of
trolling and auditing the Accounts of the Stamp Duties arising within
this Kingdom: And if any of said Officers shall neglect or refuse to
exhibit any such Account, or to verify the same upon Oath or
tion, or to transmit any such Account so verified to the Commissioners
for managing the said Duties, in such Manner, and within such Time,
as shall be so appointed or directed; or shall neglect or refuse to pay, or
cause to be paid, into the Hands of the Receiver General of the Stamp
Duties in Great Britain, or to such other Person or
Persons as the High