having been made use of for the Purpose aforesaid; then, so often,and
in every such Case, every Person so offending in any of the Particulars
before-mentioned, shall, for every such Offence, forfeit the Sum of
Twenty Pounds.
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That from
and after the said First Day of November, One thousand seven
and sixty five, every Clerk, Officer, and other Person employed or
cerned in granting, making out, or delivering Licences for retailing
rituous Liquors or Wine within any of the said Colonies or Plantations,
shall, and he is hereby required and directed, within Two Months after
delivering any such Licenses, to transmit to the Chief Distributor of
stamped Vellum, Parchment, and Paper, a true and exact List or
count of the Number of Licenses so delivered, in which shall be inserted
the Names of the Persons licensed, and the Places where they
ly reside; and if any such Clerk, Officer, or other Person shall refuse
neglect to transmit any such List or Account to such Distributor, or
shall transmit a false or untrue one, then, and in every such Case, such
Clerk, Officer, or other Person, shall, for every such Offence, forfeit
Fifty Pounds.
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That Licenses
for selling or uttering by Retail Spirituous Liquors or Wine within any
of the said Colonies and Plantations, shall be in Force and serve for no
longer than One Year from the Date of each License respectively.
Provided nevertheless, and be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid,
That if any Person licensed to sell Spirituous Liquors or Wine, shall die
or remove from the House or Place wherein such Spirituous Liquors or
Wine shall, by virtue of such Licence, be Sold, it shall and may be
lawful for the Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, of such Person so
dying or removing, who shall be possessed or such House or Place, or
for any Occupier of such House or Place, to sell Spirituous Liquors or
Wine therin during the Rsidue of the Term for which such Licence
shall have been granted, without any new Licence to be had or
tained in that Behalf; any thing to the contrary thereof in any wise
And it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any
Person or Persons shall sell or utter by Retail, that is to say, in any
less Quantity than One Gallon at any one Time, any kind of Wine, or
any Liquor called or reputed Wine, or any kind of Spirituous Liquors,
in the said Colonies or Plantations, without taking out such Licence
yearly and every Year, he, she, or they so offending shall, for every
such Offence, forfeit the Sum of Twenty Pounds.
And be it further enacted by the Authroity aforesaid, That every
Person who shall retail Spirituous Liquors or Wine in any Prison or
House of Correction, or any Workhouse appointed or to be appointed
for the Reception of Poor Persons within any of the said Colonies of
Plantations, shall be deemed a Retailer of Spirituous Liquors or Wine
within this Act.
Provided always, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid,
That if at any Time after the said First Day of November, One
sand seven hundred and sixty five, there shall not be any Provision made
for licensing the Retailers of Wine or Spirituous Liquors, within any of
the said Colonies or Plantations; then, and in every such Case, and
ing such Time as no Provision shall be made, such Licences shall and may
be granted for the Space of One Year, and renewed from time to time
by the Governor or Commander in Chief of every such respective
ny or Plantation.