and from all Actions, Penalties, Forfeitures, and Damages, for not serv-
ing the Time for which they were respectively bound, contracted for, or
agreed to serve, and shall have such and the same Benefit and Advantage
of the Time they shall respectively have continued with and served such
Master or Mistress, as they would have been intitled to in case such Duty
had been paid by such Master or Mistress, within the Time herein before
limited for that Purpose.
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all
ed Indentures, or Contracts for binding Clerks or Apprentices, after the
said First Day of November, One thousand sevenhundred and sixty
within the said Colonies and Plantations, shall have the following Notice
or Memorandum printed under the same, or added thereto, videlicet,
The Indenture must bear Date the Day it is executed, and money, or
other Thing, given or contracted for with the Clerk, or Apprentice, must
be inserted in Words at Length, and the Duty paid, and a Receipt given on
the Back of the Indenture, by the Distributor of Stamps, or his Substitute,
within Three Months after the Execution of such Indenture, under the Penal-
ties inflicted by Law.
And if any Printer, Stationer, or other Person or Persons, within any of
the said Colonies or Plantations, or any other Part of His Majesty's
Dominions, shall sell, or cause to be sold, any such Indenture or Contract,
without such Notice or Memorandum being printed under the same, or
added thereto; then, and in every such Case, such Printer, Stationer, or
other Person or Persons, shall, for every such Offence, forfeit the Sum
of Ten Pounds.
And, for the better securing the said Duty on Playing Cards and Dice;
be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That from and after
the said First Day of November, One thousand seven hundred and
five, no Playing Cards or Dice shall be sold, exposed to Sale, or used
in Play, within the said Colonies or Plantations, unless the Paper and
Thread inclosing, or which shall have inclosed, the same, shall be or
shall have been respectively sealed and stamped, or marked, and unless
One of the Cards of each Pack or Parcel of Cards, so sold, shall be also
marked or stamped on the spotted or painted Side thereof with such
Mark or Marks as shall have been provided in pursuance of this Act,
upon Pain that every Person who shall sell, or expose to Sale, any such
Cards or Dice which shall not have been so respectively sealed, marked,
or stamped, as hereby is respectively required, shall forfeit for every Pack
or Parcel of Cards, and every One of such Dice so sold or exposed to
Sale, the Sum of Ten Pounds.
And it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any
Person within the said Colonies or Plantations, or any other Part of His
Majesty's Dominions, shall sell or by any Cover or Label which has
fore been made use of for denoting the said Duty upon Cards, in order
to be made use of for the inclosing any Pack or Parcel of Cards; every
Person so offending shall, for every such Offence, forfeit Twenty Pounds.
Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That
if either the Buyer or Seller of any such Cover or Label shall inform against
the other Party concerned in buying or selling such Cover or Label,
the Party so informing shall be admitted to give Evidence against the
ty informing against, and shall be indemnified against the said
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any
Person or Persons shall fraudulently inclose any Parcel or Pack of Playing
Cards in any Outside Paper so sealed and stamped as aforesaid, the same