every of the Subjects of Us, our Heirs and
Successors, which shall go to and inhabit with-
in our said Province or Territory and every of
their Children which shall happen to be born
there, or on the Seas in going thither, or re-
turning from thence, shall have and enjoy, all
Liberties and Immunities of free and natural
Subjects within any of the Dominions of Us,
our Heirs and Successors, to all Intents, Con-
structions and Purposes whatsoever, as if they
and every of them were born within this our
Realm of
England." Now what Liberty can
there be, where Property is taken away without
Consent? Can it be said with any Colour of
Truth and Justice, that this Continent of three
Thousand Miles in Length, and of a Breadth
as yet unexplored, in which however, it is sup-
posed, there are five Millions of People, has the
least Voice, Vote, or Influence in the Decisions
of th British Parliament? Have they, all to-
gether, any more Right or Power to return a
single Member to that House of Commons,
who have not inadvertently, but deliberately
assumed a power to dispose of their Lives,*[asterisk reference mark
indicates that there is a note below] Li-
berties and Properties, than to chuse an Empe-
ror of
China! Had the Colonists a Right to
return Members to the British Parliament, it
would only be hurtful; as from their local Si-
[asterisk reference mark:]* See the Act of the last
Session relating to the King's Dock-