of people assembled before the Custom-House,
that he stood near the centry-box and saw the
soldiers fire on the people, who stood in the
middle of said street ; directly after which he saw
two flashes of guns, one quick upon the other, from
the chamber window of the
and that after the firing was all over, while the
people were carrying away the dead and wound-
ed, he saw the Custom-House door opened, and
several soldiers (one of whom had a cutlass) go
into the Custom-House
and shut the door after

Benjamin Andrews declares, that being desired
by the committee of enquiry to take the ranges
of the holes made by musquet balls, in two houses
nearly opposite to the Custom-House, he finds the
bullet hole in the entry door post of Mr. Payne's
house (and which graz’d the edge of the door,
before it enter’d the post, where it lodged, two
and a half inches deep) ranges just under the
stool of the westernmost lower chamber window of

Samuel Drowne, towards the end of his depo-
sition (which contains a pretty full account of
the proceedings of the soldiers on the evening of
the 5th instant) declares, that he saw the flashes
of two guns fired from the
one of which was out of a window of the chamber
westward of the balcony, and the other from the
balcony ; the gun (which lie clearly discerned)
being pointed through the ballisters, and the per-
son who held the gun, in a stooping posture with-