shall contain the Covenants, Articles, Contracts, or Agreements, relating
to the Service of such Clerk or Apprentice; and shall bear Date upon
the Day of the signing, sealing, or other Execution of the same, upon
Pain that every Master or Mistress to or with whom, or to whose Use,
any Sum of Money, or other valuable Consideration whatsoever, shall be
given, paid, secured, or contracted, for or in respect of any such Clerk
or Apprentice, which shall not be truly and fully so inserted and speci-
fied in some such Indenture, or other Writing, shall, for every such
Offence, forfeit double the Sum, or double the Amount of any other
valuable Consideration so given, paid, agreed, secured, or contracted
for; to be sued for and recovered at any Time, during the Term
cified in the Indenture or Writing for the Service of such Clerk or
prentice, or within One Year after the Determination thereof; and that
all such Indentures, or other Writings, shall be brought, within the
Space of Three Months, to the proper Officer or Officers, appointed
by the said Commissioners for collecting the said Duties within the
respective Colony or Plantation; and the Duty hereby charged for
the Sums, or other valuable Consideration inserted therein, shall be paid
by the Master of Mistress of such Clerk or Apprentice to the said
Officer or Officers, who shall give Receipts for such Duty on the Back
of such Indentures or other Writings; and in case the Duty shall not
be paid within the Time before limited, such Master or Mistress shall
forfeit Double the Amount of such Duty.
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all In-
dentures or Writings within the said Colonies and Plantations, relating
to the Service of Clerks or Apprentices, whrein shall not be truly
serted or written the full Sum or Sums of Money, or other valuable
Consideration, received, or in any wise directly or indirectly given, paid,
agreed, secured, or contracted, for, with, or in relation to any such Clerk
or Apprentice, and a Receipt given for the same by the Officer or
cers aforesaid, or whereupon the Duties payable by this Act shall not be
duly paid or lawfully tendered, according to the Tenor and true
ing of this Act, within the Time herein for that Purpose limited, shall
be void and not available in any Court or Place, or to any Purpose
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any
Master or Mistress of any Clerk or Apprentice shall neglect to pay the
said Duty, within the Time herein before limited, and any such Clerk
or Apprentice shall in that Case pay, or cause to be paid, to the Amount
of Double the said Duty, either during the Term of such Clerkship or
Apprenticeship, or within One Year after the Determination thereof,
such Master or Mistress not having then paid the said Double Duty
though required by such Clerk or Apprentice so to do; then, and in
such Case, it shall and may be lawful to and for any such Clerk or
prentice, within Three Months after such Payment of the said Double
Duty, to demand of such Master or Mistress, or his or her Executors or
Administrators, such Sum or Sums of Money, or valuable Consideration,
as was or were paid to such Master or Mistress, for or in respect of such,
Clerkship or Apprenticeship; and in case such Sum or Sums of Money,
or valuable Consideration, shall not be paid within Three Months after
such Demand thereof made, it shall and may be lawful to and for any
such Clerk or Apprentice, or any other Person or Persons on his or her
Behalf, to sue for and recover the same, in such Manner as any
Penalty hereby inflicted may be sued for and recovered; and such Clerks
or Apprentices shall, immediately after Payment of such Double Duty,
be and are hereby discharged from their Clerkships or Apprenticeships,