one of the steel sheets was
pushed inwards - on the starboard
side there was not so much
damage - but on both sides her
hangar deck had its sides blown
out leaving just the steel supports
of the flight deck- the elevator
wells had no elevators- her
island was completely gone - She
had not leaked but did have
about a 5 to 10 degree list to
starboard - the fires on her were
all out - I was told that the
gasoline had exploded - not
her tanks - but no one has
been aboard her except to
tow her to her present anchorage
about 4 miles S.W. of the fleet.
We did not see the submarine -
pushed inwards - on the starboard
side there was not so much
damage - but on both sides her
hangar deck had its sides blown
out leaving just the steel supports
of the flight deck- the elevator
wells had no elevators- her
island was completely gone - She
had not leaked but did have
about a 5 to 10 degree list to
starboard - the fires on her were
all out - I was told that the
gasoline had exploded - not
her tanks - but no one has
been aboard her except to
tow her to her present anchorage
about 4 miles S.W. of the fleet.
We did not see the submarine -