of three guns, upon which he thinks he saw two
men fall, and immediately after were discharged
five guns, two of which were by soldiers on his
right hand, the other three, as appeared to the
deponent, were discharged from the balcony, or
the chamber window of the
the flashes appearing on the left hand, and higher
than the right hand flashes appeared to be, and
of which the deponent was very sensible
, altho'
his eyes were much turned to the soldiers, who
were all on his right hand.

Gillam Bass, being in King-street at the same
time, declares that they (the party of soldiers
from the main guard) posted themselves between
the custom-house door and the west corner of
it ; and in a few minutes began to fire upon the
people : Two or three of the flashes so high above
the rest, that he the deponent verily believes they
must have come from the

Jeremiah Allen declares, that in the evening
of the 5th day of March current, being at about
nine o'clock in the front chamber in the house
occupied by Col. Ingersoll in King-street, he heard
some guns fired, which occasioned his going in-
to the balcony of the said house. -- That when
he was in the said balcony in company with Mr.
William Molineux jun’r. and John Simpson, he
heard the discharge of four or five guns, the
flashes of which appeared to be to the westward
of the centry box, and immediately after, he the
deponent heard two or three more guns and saw