issuing the same, which shall be entered upon a Remembrance, or in a
Book to be kept for that Purpose, setting forth the Abstract of such Writ
or Process; upon Pain to forfeit the Sum of Ten Pounds for every such

And, for the better collecting and securing the Duties hereby charged
on Pamphlets containing more than One Sheet of Paper as aforesaid, be it
further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That from and after the
said First Day of November, One thousand seven hundred and sixty five,
One printed Copy of every Pamphlet which shall be printed or pub-
lished within any of the said Colonies or Plantations, shall, within the
Space of Fourteen Days after the printing thereof, be brought to the
Chief Distributor in the Colony or Plantation where such Pamphlet shall
be printed, and the Title thereof, with the Number of the Sheets con-
tained therein, and the Duty hereby charged thereon, shall be
registered or entered in a Book to be there kept for that Purpose;
which Duty shall be thereupon paid to the proper Officer or Officers
appointed to receive the same, or his or their Deputy or Clerk, who
shall thereupon forthwith give a Receipt for the same on such printed
Copy, to denote the Payment of the Duty hereby charged on such
Pamphlet; and if any such Pamplet shall be printed or published, and
the Duty hereby charged thereon shall not be duly paid, and the Title
and Number of Sheets shall not be registered, and a Receipt for such
Duty given on One Copy, where required so to be, within the Time
herein before for that Purpose limited; that then the Author, Printer,
and Publisher, and all other Persons concerned in or about the printing
or publishing of such Pamphlet, shall, for every such Offence, forfeit the
Sum of Ten Pounds, and shall lose all Property therein, and in every
other Copy thereof, so as any Person may freely print and publish the
same, paying the Duty payable in respect thereof by virtue of this Act,
without being liable to any Action, Prosecution, or Penalty for so doing.

And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That no
Person whatsoever shall sell or expose to Sale any such Pamphlet, or any
News-Paper, without the true respective Name or Names, and Place or
Places of Abode, of some known Person or Persons by or for whom the
same was really and truly printed or published, shall be written or prin-
ted thereon; upon Pain that every Person offending therein shall, for
every such Offence, forfeit the Sum of Twenty Pounds.

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That no Offi-
cer appointed for distributing stamped Vellum, Parchment, or Paper, in
the said Colonies or Plantations, shall sell or deliver any stamped Paper
for printing any Pamphlet, or any publick News, Intelligence, or Oc-
currences, to be contained in one Sheet, or any lesser Piece of Paper,
unless such Person shall give Security to the said Officer, for the Pay-
ment of the Duties for the Advertisements which shall be printed therein
or thereupon.

And whereas it may be uncertain how many printed Copies of the said
printed News Papers or Pamphlets, to be contained in One Sheet or in
a lesser Piece of Paper, may be sold; and to the Intent the Duties here-
by granted thereupon may not be lessened by printing a less Number
than may be sold, out of a Fear of a Loss thereby in printing more such
Copies than will be sold; it is hereby provided, and be it further enact-
ed by the Authority aforesaid, That the proper Officer or Officers ap-
pointed for managing the said Stamp Duties, shall and may cancel, or
cause to be cancelled, all the Stamps upon the Copies of any Impression
of any News Paper or Pamphlet contained in One Sheet, or any lesser
Piece of Paper, which shall really and truly remain unsold, and of which