of the Colonies or Plantations in America, not in the Possession or under
the Dominion off His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, shall be imported
or brought into any of the Colonies or Plantations in America which now
are, or hereafter may be, in the possession or under the Dominion of His Ma-
jesty, His Heirs or Successors, upon Forfeiture of all such Rum or Spirits,
together with the Ship or Vessel in which the same shall be imported, with
the Tackle, Apparel, and Furniture thereof; to be seized by any Officer
or Officers of His Majesty’s Customs, and prosecuted in such Manner and
Form as herein after is expressed; any Law, Custom, or Usage, to the
contrary notwithstanding.

And it is hereby further enacted and declare by the Authority afores-
aid, That from and after the Twenty ninth Day of September, One Thou-
sand seven Hundred and sixty four, nothing in the before recited Act
made in the Sixth Year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the Second,
or any other Act of Parliament, shall extend, or be construed to extend,
to give Liberty to any Person or Persons whatsoever to import into the
Kingdom of Ireland any Sort of Sugars, but such only as shall be fairly
and bona fide loaden and shipped in Great Britain, and carried directly from
thence in Ships navigated according to Law.

And, for the better preventing Frauds in the Importation of Foreign
Sugars and Paneles, Rum and Spirits, Molasses and Syrups, into any of
His Majesty’s Dominions, under Pretence that the same are the Growth, Pro-
duce, or Manufacture, of the British Colonies or Plantations, it is further
enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That from and after the Twenty ninth
Day of September, One Thousand seven Hundred and sixty four, every
person or persons loading on board any ship or vessel, in any of the Bri-
Colonies or Plantations in America, any Rum or Spirits, Sugars orPa-
neles, Molasses or Syrups, as of the Growth, Product, or Manufacture, of
any British Colony or Plantation, shall, before the clearing out of the said
Ship or Vessel, produce and deliver to the Collector or other principal
Officer of the Customs at the Loading Port, an Affidavit signed and Sworn
to before some Justice of the Peace in the said British Colonies or Planta-
tions, either by the Grower, Maker, or Shipper, of such Goods, or his or
their known Agent or Factor, expressing, in Words at Length and not
in Figures, the Quality of the Goods so shipped, with the Number and
Denomination of the Packages, and describing the Name or Names of the
Plantation or Plantations, and the Name of the Colony where the same grew
or were produced and Manufactured; which Affidavit shall be attested, under
the Hand of the said Justice of the Peace, to have been sworn to in his
Presence; Who is hereby required to do the same without Fee or Reward:
And the Collector or other Principal Officer of the Customs to whom such
Affidavit shall be delivered, shall thereupon grant to the Master, or other
Person having the Charge of the Ship or Vessel, a Certificate under his
Hand and Seal of Office (without Fee or Reward) of his having received
such Affidavit pursuant to the Directions of this Act; which Certificate
shall express the Quality of the Goods shipped on Board such Ship or Ves-
sel, with the Number and Denomination of the Packages: and such Col-
lector or other Principal Officer of the Customs shall also (without Fee or
R) within Thirty Days after the Sailing of the Ship or Vessel, trans-
mit an exact Copy of the said Affidavit to the Secretary’s Office for the
respective Colony or Plantation where the Goods were shipped, on Forfei-
ture of Five Pounds.

And it is further enacted, That upon the Arrival of such Ship or Vessel
into the Port of her Discharge, either in Great Britain or any other Port
of His Majesty’s Dominions, where such Goods may be lawfully imported, the
Master or other Person taking the Charge of the Ship or Vessel shall, at the