[August 19, 1775, cont.] that are Sent us by our friends, we are obliged
to impart to these poor Suffering friends and
fee the Soldiers and others with rum to carry
it to them by Stealth, when we are close
confin'd and cannot get to them. They have
no wood to burn for many days together to warm
their drink, and dying men drink them cold.
Some of the limbs which have been taken off
it is Said, were in a State of putrifaction
and not one Survived amputation.

20. [August 1775] From before Sunrise till after Sunset a
continued Scene of horrid Swearing, obscene
talk, and Shocking blasphemy. Had Some
Small liberty of the yard. They practice most
Swearing on the Sabbath.

21. [August 1775] Most awful Swearing from morning to
night. The provost cursed and damn'd Master
Leach's Son for a dam'nd rebel; he most always
trembles at bringing his father's diet.

22. [August 1775] A hot day and night, close confin'd. Doctor
Eliott called at the gate and Spoke to Ma-
ster Lovell; he Says the provost ordered
him not to come here any more. We can't
go to hear a minister, and we are denied
his coming to See us.