And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That from
and after the Tenth Day of September, One Thousand seven Hundred and
sixty four, upon the Exportation of any Sort of White Callicoes or Mus-
lins, except as herein after is mentioned, from this Kingdom to any British
Colony or Plantation in America, besides the One Half of the Rate or Du-
ty commonly called The Old Subsidy, which now remains, and is not drawn
back for the same, there also shall not be repaid or drawn back the further
Sum of Four Pounds Fifteen Shillings for every Hundred Pounds of the
true and real Value of such Goods, according to the Gross Price at which
they were sold at the Sale of the United Company of Merchants trading to the
East Indies, being the Third Part of the Net Duties granted thereon respective-
ly by Two several Acts of Parliament, the One made in the Eleventh
and Twelfth Year of the Reign of King William the Third, intituled, An
Act for the laying further duties upon wrought silks, muslins, and some other
commodities of the
East Indies, and for enlarging the time for purchasing
certain reversionary annuities therein mentioned
; and the other made in
[the] Third and Fourth Year of the Reign of Queen Anne, intituled, An Act for
continuing Duties upon Low Wines, and upon Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, Spices,
and Pictures, and upon Hawkers, Pedlars, and Petty Chapmen, and upon Mus-
lins; and for granting new Duties upon several of the Said Commodities, and
also upon Callicoes, China-ware, and Drugs
; any Law, Custom, or Usage to
the contrary notwithstanding.

Provided always, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid,
That until the First Day of March, One Thousand seven Hundred and
sixty five, upon the Exportation from this Kingdom, to any British Colony
or Plantation in America of such White Callicoes or Muslins only as were
sold on or before the Twenty fifth Day of March, One Thousand seven
Hundred and sixty four, at the Sale of the United Company of Merchants,
trading to the East Indies, such and the same Drawbacks shall be allowed
as are now payable upon the Exportation of the said Goods.

And be [it] further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Mer-
chant or other Person, shall from and after the said First Day of May,
One Thousand seven Hundred and sixty four, enter any Goods for Expor-
tation to Parts beyond the Seas, other than to the said British Colonies or
Plantations in America, in order to obtain any Drawback not allowed by
this Act upon the Exportation of such Goods to the said British Colonies
or Plantations and the said Goods shall nevertheless be carried to any Bri-
Colony or Plantation in America, and landed there contrary to the true
Intent and Meaning hereof, that then, and in such Case, the Drawback
shall be forfeited, and the Exporter of such Goods, and the Master of the
Ship or Vessel on Board which the same were loaden and exported,
shall forfeit Double the Amount of the Drawback paid or to be paid for
the same, and also Treble the Value of the said Goods.

And it is further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That from and
after the said First Day of May, One Thousand seven Hundred and sixty
four, if any Goods, not allowed to draw back any Part of the Old Subsidy,
or any other Duty by this Act, shall be entered for Exportation from this
Kingdom to any other Place beyond the Seas, except to some British Co-
lony or Plantation in America, in every Case where the Exporter is
required, by any Law now in Force, to swear that such Goods are not
landed or intended to be landed in Great Britain, Ireland, or the Isle of Man,
there shall also be added to and included in, the Oath upon the Deben-
ture, for such Goods, "any British Colonies or Plantations in America."

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That from and
after the Twenty-ninth Day of September, One Thousand seven Hundred
and sixty four, no Rum or Spirits of the Produce or Manufacture of any