BOSTON, the 22. March, 1770.
WE, the subscribers, two of his Majesty's Justices of the
Peace for the County of Suffolk (one being of the
Quorum) hereby certify, that Col. William Dalrymple,
chief commander of the soldiers in Boston, William
Sheaffe, Esq; deputy collector of the customs, and Bar-
tholomew Green, head of the family in the Custom-
House in Boston, were duly notified to attend the cap-
tions of the affidavits in perpetuam, &c. touching the
Massacre by the soldiers in Boston, taken before us on
the 16th, 17th, and 19th days of March current ; and
that the said William Sheaffe and Bartholomew Green
attended accordingly, on the 16th of March, and cross-
examined as many of the deponents as they thought fit
and as long as they pleased, but declined giving any
further attendance.
    RI: DANA,

Delete the last five Lines and an half at the Bottom of P. 44. beginning
at the Words [Mr. Munroe] which thro' Hurry were printed twice over.