seemed to be a set of blood thirsty men, and therefore did not
like them,) and believed the affair would have never happened
had it not been for the affray of the 29th regiment at the rope
walks, a soldier of the 29th regiment named John Dudley be-
ing by, said it was a planned thing a month before.

Suffolk, ss. Boston, March 16. 1770. David Loring, above-
named, after due examination, made oath to the truth of
the aforesaid affidavit, taken to perpetuate the remem-
brance of the thing.
Before JOHN RUDDOCK, Just. of Peace and of the Quorum.
JOHN HILL, Just. Peace.

(No. 93.)
I The subscriber, being desired by the committee of enquiry
to take ranges of the holes made by musquet balls in two
houses near opposite to the custom-house, find that the bullet-
hole in the entry door post of Mr. Payne's house, & which graz'd
the edge of the door before it entered the post where it lodg'd,
two and a half inches deep, ranges just under the stool of the
western most lower chamber window of the Custom-house.
And that the hole made by another musquet ball through
the window shutter of the lower story of the same house, and
lodged in the back wall of the shop, ranges about breast-high
from the ground and between the second and third window
from the west corner of the Custom-house.
And that the holes made in the shop of Warden and Vernon
thro' the outer shutter and back partition of the shop, ranged
breast-high from the ground and with the western most side of
the first window west of the great door of the Custom-house.

Suffolk, ss. Boston, March 20. 1770. Benjamin Andrews, Esq;
above-named, after due examination, made oath to the
truth of the aforesaid affidavit, taken to perpetuate the
remembrance of the thing.
Before JOHN RUDDOCK, Just. Peace and of the Quorum.
BELCHER NOYES, Justice o'Peace.

(No. 94.)
I John Green, of lawful age, testify and say, that on Monday
evening the 5th instant, just after nine o'clock, I went into
the Custom-House, and saw in the kitchen of said house two
boys belonging to Mr. Piemont the barber, and also my bro-
ther Hammond Green ; upon hearing an huzzaing and the
bell ring, I went out, and there were but 4 or 5 boys in king-