Provided nevertheless, and be it further enacted by the Authority
aforesaid, That if any Vellum, Parchment, or Paper, containing any
Deed, Instrument, or other Matter or Thing, shall not be duly stamped
in pursuance of this Act, at the Time of the Signing, Sealing, or other
Execution, or the Entry or Inrollment thereof, any Person interested
therein, or any Person on his or her Behalf, upon producing the same to
any One of the Chief Distributors of Stampt Vellum, Parchment, and
Paper, and paying to him the Sum of Ten Pounds for every such Deed,
Instrument, Matter, or Thing, and also Double the Amount of the Duties
payable in respect thereof, shall be intitled to receive from such Distri-
butor, Vellum, Parchment, or Paper, stamped pursuant to this Act, to
the Amount of the Money so paid; a Certificate being first written upon
every such Piece of Vellum, Parchment, or Paper, expressing the Name
and Place of Abode of the Person of such Deed, Instrument, Matter, or
Thing, the Names of the Parties therein, and of the Witnesses (if any )
thereto, and the Date therof, which Certificate shall be signed by the
said Distributor; and the Vellum, Parchment, or Paper shall be then
annexed to such Deed, Instrument, Matter, or Thing, by or in the Pre-
sence of such Distributor, who shall impress a Seal upon Wax, to be
affixed on the Part where such Annexation shall be made, in the Presence
of a Magistrate, who shall attest such Signature and Sealing; and the
Deed, Instrument, or other Matter or Thing, from thenceforth shall and
may, with the Vellum, Parchment, or Paper, so annexed, be admitted
and allowed in Evidence in any Court whatsoever, and shall be as valid
and effectual as if the proper Stamps had been impressed thereon at the
Time of the Signing, Sealing, or other Execution, or Entry or Inroll-
ment thereof: And the said Distributor shall, Once in every Six Months,
or oftener if required by the Commissioners for managing the Stamp
Duties, send to such Commissioners true Copies of all such Certificates,
and an Account of the Number of Pieces of Vellum, Parchment, and Paper,
so annexed, and of the respective Duties impressed upon every such Piece.

And be it further enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That if any
Person shall forge, counterfeit, erase, or alter, any such Certificate, every
such Person so offending shall be guilty of Felony, and shall suffer Death
as in Cases of Felony without the Benefit of Clergy.

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any
Person or Persons shall, in the said Colonies or Plantations, or in any
other Part of His Majesty's Dominions, counterfeit or forge any Seal,
Stamp, Mark, Type, Device, or Label, to resemble any Seal, Stamp,
Mark, Type, Device, or Label, which shall be provided or made in pur-
suance of this Act; or shall counterfeit or resemble the Impression of
the same upon any Vellum, Parchment, Paper, Cards, Dice, or other
Matter or Thing, thereby to evade the Payment of any Duty hereby
granted; or shall make, sign, print, utter, vend, or sell, any Vellum,
Parchment, or Paper, or other Matter or Thing, with such counterfeit
Mark or Impression thereon, knowing such Mark or Impression to be
counterfeited; then every Person so offending shall be adjudged a Felon,
and shall suffer Death as in Cases of Felony without the Benefit of Clergy.

And it is hereby declared, That upon any Prosecution or Prosecuti-
ons for such Felony, the Dye, Tool, or other Instrument made use of in
counterfeiting or forging any such Seal, Stamp, Mark, Type, Device,
or Label, together with the Vellum, Parchment, Paper, Cards, Dice, or
other Matter or Thing having such counterfeit Impression, shall im-
medtiately after the Trial or Conviction of the Party or Parties accused,
be broke, defaced, or destroyed, in open Court.